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  1. General Information & Chat

    1. News & Announcements

      News and announcements regarding our community and server

    2. Community Rules & Guidelines

      The comprehensive list of community and gameplay rules and all script related commands can be found within this category.

      You can also find useful information and tutorials which can make your gaming experience better.

    3. General Chat

      A place to talk about whatever you want.

    4. Questions & Suggestions

      This category is used to ask about or suggest changes to the current server or community rules.

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  2. Community

    1. Reports

      Player / Admin reports will be filed here.

      To report a player, click HERE
      To report a member of staff, click HERE

      Note: This forum will only display topics that you create.

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    2. Donations & Rewards

      SAES:RPG relies on donations to keep our dedicated server going, paying for any software subscriptions/renewals and our domain names running.

      Your donation lets us 'keep the lights on' and keep your favourite server going!

    3. San Andreas Housing Agency

      In this section you can advertise your property for sale, look for a property for sale, request a property be put up for sale (owner inactive), request an icon for property, or rent a room/driveway within San Andreas!

    4. Roleplay Centre

      A place to talk about ingame roleplay, organise events or create a character biography

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  3. Community Organisations

    1. Organisations   (364 visits to this link)

      This link will redirect you where server organisations live.

  4. Government & Military

    1. Government, Congress and Legislation

      This section is dedicated to the government, congress, opposition political parties and the latest San Andreas legislations in place on the server.

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    2. Military & National Guard

      The military is a heavily-armed, highly-organised force primarily intended for warfare, also known as the armed forces.

      It is authorised by SAES HQ and maintained by the current elected government

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  • Who's Online   0 Members, 0 Anonymous, 0 Guests (See full list)

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